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Senior Friendly Bathroom

Mrs P, an independent woman in her 80's needed some assistance with mobility within the home, with a determination to maintain her independence, adaptations were needed to carry on living her best life. Reduced mobility meant that her bathroom was presenting some challenges that we needed to overcome. We partnered with Mrs. P to design a space that would complement her independence and self-reliance, making everyday routines a breeze.

This case study will show what we did, and the reasoning behind it. We'll uncover the thoughtful design choices and subtle modifications that have allowed her to maintain her independence.

What we did...

Here are some of the adaptations that we made. Click the button on each image to see our reasons behind the options we chose. 

Shower Seat


Older people should consider shower seats for several important reasons:

1. Fall Prevention

  • Reduced Balance: As people age, balance and stability can decline, making them more prone to falls. A wet shower floor increases this risk significantly. Shower seats provide a stable place to sit, greatly reducing the risk of slipping and falling.

  • Fatigue: Standing for extended periods can be tiring, especially for older adults. A shower seat allows for rest and reduces the risk of falls related to exhaustion.

2. Increased Comfort and Relaxation

  • Aches and Pains: Conditions like arthritis or joint pain can make standing in the shower uncomfortable or even painful. A shower seat offers a comfortable alternative.

  • Relaxation: A warm shower can be a relaxing experience, and a shower seat allows older adults to enjoy it without the worry of standing for long periods.

3. Independence and Dignity

  • Self-Reliance: Shower seats enable older people to bathe independently, without having to rely on assistance. This promotes a sense of control and dignity.

  • Reduced Caregiver Burden: For those receiving care, a shower seat can make bathing easier for the caregiver as well, reducing strain and assisting with personal hygiene routines.

4. Improved Accessibility

  • Limited Mobility: Individuals with disabilities or reduced mobility often find using a shower seat essential for accessibility and safe bathing.

  • Post-Surgery Recovery: Shower seats can be critical during the recovery process after surgeries that affect mobility.

Things to Consider

When choosing a shower seat, it's important to select one that's:

  • Sturdy and Secure: Look for a seat with a stable base and non-slip legs.

  • Adjustable: Adjustable height is helpful to accommodate different users.

  • Comfortable: Choose a seat with a comfortable surface and features like armrests and backrests for added support.

Shower Cubicle


There are several compelling reasons why older people might find a shower cubicle a safer and more practical option compared to a bath/shower combination:

1. Safety and Accessibility

  • Reduced Fall Risk: Stepping over the high edge of a bathtub poses a significant fall risk for older adults, especially those with limited mobility or balance issues. A shower cubicle with a low or no threshold eliminates this hazard.

  • Grab Bars and Support: Shower cubicles can be easily outfitted with grab bars, non-slip mats, and other safety features to provide additional support and prevent falls.

  • Shower Seats: As covered previously, dedicated shower cubicles have more space to comfortably install a shower seat.

2. Ease of Use

  • Simple Entry and Exit: Entering and exiting a shower cubicle is significantly easier than maneuvering in and out of a bathtub. This is especially important for those with limited range of motion or muscle weakness.

  • No Waiting: Unlike bathtubs, there's no need to wait for water to fill or drain in a shower cubicle, potentially reducing the time spent in a cold and wet environment.

3. Independence

  • Self-Bathing: The accessibility of a shower cubicle promotes independence for older adults, allowing them to bathe without assistance, which can boost confidence and dignity.

4. Space Efficiency

  • Smaller Footprint: Shower cubicles often take up less space than a bathtub, making them a better choice for smaller bathrooms. This can also leave space for other important bathroom additions.

5. Customization Options

  • Tailored Designs: Shower cubicles can be easily customized with various features like handheld showerheads, adjustable shower rails, shelves for toiletries, and different seating options for greater comfort and safety.


  • Bathing Preferences: If an older individual enjoys relaxing in a warm bath, a bathtub might still be a desirable option. In some cases, a walk-in bath with a door can provide the benefits of a bath with less risk.

  • Cost: Converting an existing bathtub to a shower cubicle can involve some renovation expenses.

It's essential to weigh the individual's needs, preferences, and budget when deciding between a shower cubicle or a bath/shower combination. Consulting with a healthcare professional or an occupational therapist can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on the older person's specific circumstances.

Adjustable Shower Head


Here's why an additional adjustable shower head can be incredibly beneficial for older people:

1. Increased Accessibility and Reach

  • Limited Mobility: Adjustable shower heads allow users to direct the water stream without having to stretch or twist uncomfortably. This is essential for people with arthritis, joint pain, or limited range of motion.

  • Varied Heights: An adjustable shower head accommodates users of different heights, particularly if multiple people use the shower.

  • Hard-to-Reach Areas: The adjustability enables older adults to easily reach areas like their feet, legs, and back that might otherwise be difficult to wash.

2. Enhanced Safety

  • Hands-Free Option: An adjustable shower head can be positioned for a hands-free showering experience. This minimizes the need to reach and bend, reducing the risk of falls or slips.

  • Seated Showering: For people using a shower seat, an adjustable shower head can deliver water to them comfortably at the ideal angle and position.

3. Improved Comfort

  • Customizable Water Flow: Adjustable shower heads often have various spray settings (e.g., massage, gentle spray, etc.). This allows users to tailor the water flow to their preferences, whether they need a soothing, gentle stream or a more invigorating massage.

  • Hair Washing: A hand-held, adjustable shower head makes hair washing significantly easier for those with limited shoulder or arm mobility.

4. Independence and Ease

  • Bathing Control: An adjustable shower head gives older people more control over their bathing process, allowing for a more independent and dignified experience.

Additional Considerations

  • Look for features such as easy-to-adjust settings and pause buttons for added convenience.

  • Choose a lightweight handheld showerhead for those with limited hand strength.

Importantly, an adjustable shower head works well in conjunction with existing shower fixtures and is a relatively easy and affordable way to make a bathroom safer and more accommodating for seniors.

Lever Taps


Older people should consider lever taps in their bathrooms for several important reasons:

1. Ease of Use

  • Reduced Strength and Dexterity: As we age, hand strength and dexterity can decline. Traditional knob taps can become difficult to turn, especially for those with arthritis or other conditions affecting grip strength. Lever taps require minimal effort, offering a much easier and pain-free way to control water flow and temperature.

  • Simple Operation: Lever taps operate with a simple up-and-down motion to adjust flow and a side-to-side motion for temperature. This is far simpler than the twisting motion required for knob taps.

2. Improved Safety

  • Temperature Control: Lever taps often have safety features that limit how hot the water can get, preventing accidental scalding. This is particularly important for older adults who may have reduced sensitivity to temperature extremes.

  • Single-Handed Operation: Lever taps can be operated with one hand, which is beneficial for those with limited mobility or the use of only one hand.

3. Enhanced Independence

  • Self-Reliance: The ease of use of lever taps promotes independence and reduces the need for assistance with simple tasks like washing hands or brushing teeth.

4. Modern Design

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Lever taps are available in a wide variety of styles and finishes, allowing them to complement any bathroom design.

Additional Considerations

  • Touchless Options: For even greater convenience and hygiene, consider touchless faucets that turn on and off automatically with a simple hand motion. However, these can be more expensive.

Overall, replacing traditional knob taps with lever taps is a relatively small and affordable change that can significantly improve the accessibility, safety, and functionality of a bathroom for older adults.

Wall Panels


Shower panels offer several advantages over traditional tiles for the elderly in terms of maintenance:

  1. Easier Cleaning:

  • Smooth Surface: Shower panels have a smooth, non-porous surface that is less prone to accumulating soap scum, mildew, and dirt compared to the grout lines between tiles. This makes them significantly easier to clean and wipe down.

  • Fewer Seams: Shower panels consist of large panels, minimizing the number of seams and areas for grime to build up, in contrast to numerous small tiles.

  1. Reduced Risk of Leaks:

  • Waterproof Design: Shower panels are typically made of waterproof materials and have fewer seams, dramatically reducing the chances of leaks, water damage, and mold growth behind the panels.

  • Easier Monitoring: With fewer hidden areas behind tiles, it's easier to spot potential leaks in a shower panel installation, allowing for earlier repairs.

  1. Durability:

  • Scratch and Impact Resistance: Many shower panels are made from durable materials like acrylic or composite materials that are more resistant to scratches, chips, and stains compared to ceramic tiles.

  • Less Grout Maintenance: Unlike tiles, shower panels avoid the need to maintain grout lines which can degrade, become discolored, or require re-grouting.

  1. Simple Repair:

  • Replacement vs. Repair: If a single tile gets damaged, repairing or replacing it can be time-consuming. However, shower panels can often be easily replaced or repaired in sections, depending on the extent of the damage.

  1. Installation:

  • Simpler Process: Installing shower panels is often faster and less disruptive than tiling a shower, requiring less expertise and specialized tools.


  • Cost: Shower panels can be more expensive upfront than traditional tiles. However, the lower maintenance and potential longevity may offset the initial costs.

  • Choice: Although there are various options, shower panels might offer a slightly smaller range of aesthetic choices compared to the vast selection of tiles.

Overall, shower panels provide a low-maintenance and durable alternative to tiles for elderly homeowners, prioritizing ease of cleaning, leak prevention, and long-term functionality.


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